martes, 18 de abril de 2017

Coraje the dog cowardly

TV Show that i liked since child is called "Coraje the dog cowardly" this TV Show was very interesant becouse was about a dog that lived in a farm with "Muriel" his owner and "Justo" couple from Muriel. The serie is very diferent to them that transmit presently. was a thriller for child!!, since happen things very stranger, the TV show playing with the paranormal and this generated a atmosphere of fear, understand that the saw when was child.
The TV show i transmited in Television National of Chile (TVN) in time of lunch and i remember that i saw it when lunch in my house before of go school, I remember that i saw Corage the dog cowardly in the year 2002, 2003 and 2004, becouse i studing in the afternoon and haved time for saw the TV show.
I recomended saw "Coraje the dog cowardly" is a the TV show for child more interesant that i saw!!

I attach them here a video of the charpter more interesant:

martes, 4 de abril de 2017

In common I'm not a fan of  take pictures or go out on them, because I like much see image of graffiti’s, mural’s or tag’s that haven a sense of uprising to established order of the art. I do not think that it is necessary to have a great knowledge of muralism to encourage to scratch the walls, because for me the essential the art is want to do make, all this tendancy of protest through art’s is coming from the culture hip-hop and I like everything about the hip-hip in generally. An example of this is this imagery: 

This imagery represent the discontented for the candidate Doland Trump, which to declared war to poor immigrants also an all the poor’s of EE.UU.

My Birthday

Today classmates talked about my birthday My birthday is quite particular in my house, because I was born on March 13 and my brother is ...